Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items
1. [Sydney Smith], Art. II. [Review of Spital Sermon, by Samuel Parr], Edinburgh Review, 1 (1802–03), 18–24.
2. [Sydney Smith], Art. III. [Review of Thoughts Occasioned by the Perusal of Dr. Parr's Spital Sermon, by William Godwin], Edinburgh Review, 1 (1802–03), 24–26.
3. [Sydney Smith], Art. IX. [Review of Discourses on Several Subjects, by Thomas Rennell], Edinburgh Review, 1 (1802–03), 83–90.
4. [Sydney Smith], Art. XII. [Review of Reflections at the Conclusion of the War, by John Bowles], Edinburgh Review, 1 (1802–03), 94–98.
5. [Sydney Smith], Art. XVI [Review of Anniversary Sermon of the Royal Humane Society by William Langford], Edinburgh Review, 1 (1802–03), 113.
6. [Sydney Smith], Art. XX. [Review of A Thanksgiving for Plenty, by Robert Nares], Edinburgh Review, 1 (1802–03), 128–30.