Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items
1. Jules Verne, The Boy Captain: A Tale of Adventure by Land and Sea, Boy's Own Paper, 2 (1879–80), 12–14.
2. Jules Verne, The Boy Captain: A Tale of Adventure by Land and Sea. Chapter VI—A Whale in Sight, Boy's Own Paper, 2 (1879–80), 92–94.
3. Jules Verne, The Boy Captain: A Tale of Adventure by Land and Sea. Chapter VIII—A Catastrophe, Boy's Own Paper, 2 (1879–80), 123–26.
4. Jules Verne, The Boy Captain: A Tale of Adventure by Land and Sea. Part II. Chapter V—White Ants, Boy's Own Paper, 2 (1879–80), 443–45.
5. Jules Verne, The Boy Captain: A Tale of Adventure by Land and Sea. Part II. Chapter XVI—A Magician, Boy's Own Paper, 2 (1879–80), 619–20.
6. Jules Verne, The Boy Captain: A Tale of Adventure by Land and Sea. Part II. Chapter XVII—Drifting Down the Stream, Boy's Own Paper, 2 (1879–80), 635–37.