Showing 21 to 40 of 62 items
21. Anon, The Queen's Visit to the Crimean Imbeciles, Punch, 28 (1855), 144, 147.
22. [John Leech], The Queen Visiting the Imbeciles of the Crimea, Punch, 28 (1855), [145].
23. Anon, Finishers of Martial Law, Punch, 28 (1855), 148.
24. Anon, Lord Raglan's Almanacs, Punch, 28 (1855), 173.
25. Anon, Rabelais in the Crimea, Punch, 28 (1855), 242.
26. Anon, The Chemistry of the Cannon, Punch, 29 (1855), 60.
27. Anon, Fielding on Field-Marshalls, Punch, 29 (1855), 181.
28. Anon, Look into the Engine-Room, Punch, 30 (1856), 90.
29. Anon, A Street-Study in the Neighbourhood of the Horse-Guards, Punch, 30 (1856), 94, 97.
30. Anon, Panmure's General Renovator, Punch, 30 (1856), 95.
31. Anon, Physic for the Forces, Punch, 30 (1856), 117.
32. H R Howard, Photographic Hut at Aldershot, Punch, 31 (1856), 60.
33. A Pass-able Officer, Parliamentary and Ministerial Education, Punch, 33 (1857), 67.
34. Anon, A Good Opening for Quacks, Punch, 34 (1858), 7.
35. Anon, Punch v. Burgoyne (in the Matter of 'Line v. Volunteers'), Punch, 38 (1860), 13.
36. Anon, Punch's Essence of Parliament, Punch, 38 (1860), 134–35.
37. Anon, Britannia About to Take her 'Constitutional', Punch, 40 (1861), [59].
38. Anon, Regimental Assasins, Punch, 41 (1861), 144.
39. Anon, A Fool on Fortifications, Punch, 43 (1862), 9.
40. By Order, Dearth of Army Surgeons, Punch, 44 (1863), 139.