Showing 1 to 8 of 8 items
1. Anon, Second Sight on the Stock Exchange, Punch, 8 (1845), 130.
2. Anon, 'I'll Lend Thee a Wind', Punch, 29 (1855), 140.
3. Anon, Punch's Essence of Parliament, Punch, 49 (1865), 14–15.
4. Anon, Punch's Essence of Parliament, Punch, 50 (1866), 98.
5. Anon, Punch's Essence of Parliament, Punch, 51 (1866), 57–58.
6. Anon, Americanised Medicine, Punch, 56 (1869), 115.
7. Anon, Business of the Board of Trade, Punch, 57 (1869), 187.
8. Anon, The British Farmer to the Board of Trade (As Personified in its President), Punch, 57 (1869), 237.