Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items
1. Anon, The Two Greatest Bores of the Day, Punch, 53 (1867), 111.
2. Anon, Alpes Subactae. The Mont Cenis Tunnel, Begun September, 1857, Opened September 1871., Punch, 61 (1871), 129.
3. Anon, Affecting Message. (By Telegram), Punch, 61 (1871), 138.
4. Anon, The Greatest Bore in Creation, Punch, 61 (1871), 139.
5. Anon, The Marvel of Mont Cenis, Punch, 61 (1871), 155.
6. Anon, Engineering, Punch, 61 (1871), 224.