Showing 1 to 7 of 7 items
1. Anon, To the Temple of Fame, Punch, 35 (1858), [167].
2. Anon, Utilisation of Social Sewage, Punch, 35 (1858), 196.
3. Anon, Gross Ill Treatment of a Great Public Benefactor, Punch, 37 (1859), 165.
4. Anon, The Complaint of Christopher Sly, Punch, 41 (1861), 85.
5. Anon, The Genuine Art of Cramming, Punch, 41 (1861), 90.
6. Anon, Refuge for Rogues, Punch, 54 (1868), 86.
7. Anon, A Civil Maidservant's Question, Punch, 56 (1869), 66.