Showing 1 to 8 of 8 items
1. [Francis Jeffrey][William G Maton?], Art. XXVI. [Review of Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth, by John Playfair], Edinburgh Review, 1 (1802–03), 201–16.
2. [Robert Jameson], A New Arrangement of Minerals, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 2 (1817–18), 299–300.
3. [William Laidlaw?], Literary and Scientific Intelligence, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 2 (1817–18), 330–34.
4. [Robert Jameson], Notices in Natural History: No I[1] Granite Stratified[2] Remarkable Stalactites in Iceland[3] Rocks of Rome not Volcanic[4] New Opinion in Regard to Pompeii and Herculaneum[5] Von der Nüll's Cabinet[6] Claimants of the Doctrine of Formations[8] Second Volume of Memoirs of the Wernerian Society[10] Proof of the Increasing Taste for Natural History[11] Fluor Spar at Gourock[12] Dr Hibbert's Voyage to Shetland[13] Cleaveland's Mineralogy, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 2 (1817–18), 378–81.
5. [Robert Jameson?], Some Account of the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1 (1817), 231–34.
6. [William Laidlaw?], Germany, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1 (1817), 420–22.
7. [William Laidlaw?], Germany, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1 (1817), 526–27.
8. Anon, Conversations on Geology, Mirror of Literature, 12 (1828), 360.