Showing 1 to 5 of 5 items
1. Thomas H Huxley, [Review of The Natural History of Creation, by Ernst H P A Haeckel], Academy, 1 (1869–70), 13–14.
2. Michael Foster, [Review of Forms of Animal Life, by George Rolleston], Academy, 1 (1869–70), 234–35.
3. George Rolleston, [Review of Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, by Carl Gegenbaur], Academy, 1 (1869–70), 258–59.
4. George Rolleston, [Review of Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, by Carl Gegenbaur], Academy, 1 (1869–70), 287–89.
5. Felix A Dohrn, [Review of Embryology of Vermes and Arthropoda, by Aleksandr O Kovalevsky], Academy, 2 (1870–71), 496–98.