Showing 1 to 10 of 10 items
1. Anon, On Mysteries in Religion. (From an American Magazine, Entitled "The Gospel Advocate", Conducted by Members of "The Protestant Episcopal Church" in that Country), Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 2 (1823), 227–29.
2. William P Alison, Remarks on the Review of Mr Stewart's Dissertation in the Quarterly Review, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 2 (1817–18), 57–65.
3. William P Alison, Remarks on the Review of Mr Stewart's Dissertation in the Quarterly Review, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 2 (1817–18), 159–65.
4. Anon, 1. Encyclopædia Britannica—Supplement. Vol. II. Part I, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1 (1817), 180–86.
5. Anon, Future Rewards and Punishments: The Substance of a Discourse Delivered Before the New-England Conference of Methodist Ministers, at Providence, June 17, 1823: By the Rev. Wilbur Fisk, A.M. (From the American Methodist Magazine), Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 3 (1824), 367–73.
6. Anon, Mental Associations, Mirror of Literature, 9 (1827), 420–21.
7. Anon, Snatches of Sentiment. (From a Midsummer Day's Dream)[1] [London][3] Pride of Scotland[5] A Leith Smack[10] Philosophy, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 423–27.
8. Anon, [Dugald Stewart], Mirror of Literature, 12 (1828), 10.
9. Anon, The Sketch-Book. Garden of Bremhill Parsonage, the Residence of the Rev. W. L. Bowles, Mirror of Literature, 12 (1828), 86–88.
10. Anon, Great Days and Events, Punch, 54 (1868), 3.