Showing 1 to 5 of 5 items
1. Anon, The Substance of a Sermon Preached in the City-Road Chapel, London, Before the Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary Society, on Friday, April 26, 1822: By the Rev. Henry Moore, Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 2 (1823), 7–19.
2. A R B, The Right Use of Knowledge, Youth's Magazine, 3rd ser. 10 (1837), 80–84.
3. Anon, Prophecies Fulfilled.—No. I. The Triumphs of the Gospel, Youth's Magazine, 3rd ser. 7 (1834), 176–78.
4. Anon, Comparative Population of the Ancient and Modern World, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 372–75.
5. Anon, Thoughts of Great Men. (Now First Collected), Punch, 59 (1870), 77.