Showing 1 to 20 of 44 items
1. [John Thomson], [Review of A Letter to Dr Percival on the Prevention of Infectious Fevers, by John Haygarth], Edinburgh Review, 1 (1802–03), 245–52.
2. Anon, Great Britain, Christian Observer, 1 (1802), 35–37.
3. Anon, Great Britain[1 General][2] Royal Society, Christian Observer, 1 (1802), 185–89.
4. Anon, Italy, Christian Observer, 1 (1802), 190–91.
5. Anon, Answer to Correspondents, Christian Observer, 1 (1802), 343–44.
6. [Thomas Hood], The Friend in Need. An Extravaganza, after Sterne, Comic Annual, 1 (1842), 131–236.
7. Anon, Great Britain[2] Proceedings in Parliament, Christian Observer, 1 (1802), 614–18.
8. J G, Inscription for the Tomb of the Late Dr. Jenner, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 286–87.
9. Anon, Epitaph on an Ass. By the late Dr. Jenner, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 336.
10. Anon, Epigram Sent with a Couple of Ducks to a Patient. By the late Dr. Jenner, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 352.
11. Thomas ByerleyW W, Epitaph on Dr. Jenner, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 435.
12. Anon, Signs of Rain; An Excuse for Not Accepting the Invitation of a Friend to Make an Excursion with Him. An Original Poem, by the Late Dr. Jenner, Mirror of Literature, 3 (1824), 136.
13. Anon, Points of the Compass, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 107–08.
14. Anon, A Hint to the Ugly, Punch, 1 (1841), 48.
15. Anon, The Heir of Applebite, Punch, 1 (1841), 206.
16. Anon, [Calendar], Punch, 2 (1842), [5].
17. Anon, May[Calendar]Meteorological Remarks, Punch, 4 (1843), [5].
18. Anon, JuneMonthly Remarks[Calendar], Punch, 6 (1844), [6].
19. Anon, Peter the Great, Punch, 7 (1844), 157–58.
20. Anon, Doctor Jenner–Duke of Wellington, Punch, 15 (1848), 269.