Showing 1 to 20 of 49 items
1. Anon, Approved Methods of Setting Houses on Fire, Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, 5 (1856–57), 201–03.
2. Richard Cope, The Use of Thinking, Youth's Magazine, 8 (1835), 421.
3. [Thomas Hood], A Plan for Writing Blank Verse in Rhyme. In a Letter to the Editor, Comic Annual, 3 (1832), 56–61.
4. G R, The Unsearchable God Manifested, Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 2 (1823), 418–19.
5. Thomas Hood, Fancy Portrait: Galileo, Comic Annual, 1 (1830), facing 14.
6. Anon, 1. Encyclopædia Britannica—Supplement. Vol. II. Part I, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1 (1817), 180–86.
7. Anon, On Geography: True Knowledge of It, Dependent on the Science of Astronomy; The Essential Properties of the Earth and Its Motions, La Belle Assemblée, 1 (1806), 539–41.
8. Anon, [Review of Remarks on Volney's 'Ruins', by William A Hails], Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 5 (1826), 35–40.
9. Daniel M'Allum, Structure of the Human Eye and Ear, Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 5 (1826), 747–52.
10. [John F D Donnelly], The How and Why of Long Shots and Straight Shots, Cornhill Magazine, 1 (1860), 505–12.
11. Fabricius, Law of Libel.—Letter V., Black Dwarf, 1 (1817), 427–30.
12. Anon, A Few Words in Praise of Garrets, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 29.
13. F R—y, Chance, the Parent of Discoveries, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 253–54.
14. Anon, The Vigour of Early Age, Mirror of Literature, 5 (1825), 153–54.
15. Anon, Amusements of the Learned, Mirror of Literature, 5 (1825), 224.
16. Pasche, Astronomical Observations for November, Mirror of Literature, 8 (1826), 274–76.
17. Pasche, Astronomical Observations for January, Mirror of Literature, 9 (1827), 3–4.
18. Anon, 'The Martyrs of Science!', Punch, 3 (1842), 241.
19. Anon, A Second Journey Round the World, Punch, 21 (1851), 21.
20. Anon, The Crystal Festival in Paris, Punch, 21 (1851), 74.