Showing 21 to 40 of 49 items
21. Anon, The Patent Medicine Hospital, Punch, 22 (1852), 39.
22. Brian Borro, The Vision of St. Patrick His Purgatory, Punch, 23 (1852), 196–7.
23. Anon, Science and the Pope, Punch, 24 (1853), 80.
24. Anon, The House of Fame, Punch, 25 (1853), 106–07.
25. Anon, The Ultramontane Crab, Punch, 27 (1854), 132.
26. Anon, Guy Fawkes' Day in Vienna, Punch, 29 (1855), 218–219.
27. Anon, The Hero of Millwall, Punch, 33 (1857), 257.
28. Anon, Adieu to the Comet, Punch, 35 (1858), 179.
29. Anon, The Ill-used Homeopathists, Punch, 36 (1859), 87.
30. Anon, Those Dogs of Italians, Punch, 40 (1861), 68.
31. Epicurus Rotundus, From Our Ill-Used Contributor, Punch, 47 (1864), 104–05.
32. Anon, Pictures of the Working-Man at the Royal Westminster Exhibition, Punch, 48 (1865), 202, 205.
33. Anon, L'Africaine, Punch, 48 (1865), 206–07.
34. Anon, The Instructive Drama. An Entirely New Invention (Registered), Punch, 49 (1865), 60.
35. Anon, Additional Amusement, Punch, 55 (1868), 4.
36. Anon, Up in Biography, Punch, 55 (1868), 106.
37. Anon, Wallace Wight, Punch, 57 (1869), 117.
38. Anon, The Pope's Syllabus, Punch, 57 (1869), 161.
39. Anon, Rome's Ups and Downs (As Sung before a Select Committee of the Œcumenical Council), Punch, 58 (1870), 20.
40. [Francis C Burnand], More Happy Thoughts, Punch, 58 (1870), 67.