Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items
1. Anon, Chemistry[1] Condensation of Combinations of Carbon with Separation of Water, and Their Importance in Plant Life[2] The Luminosity of Phosphorus[3] Diamonds[4] Jargonium[5] The Water Type[6] Detection of Arsenic in Fuschine[7] Conversion of Crystalline Sulphur into the Amorphous Modification, Academy, 1 (1869–70), 156–57.
2. Anon, Botany[1] Transpiration of Aqueous Vapour by Leaves[2] Stipules of Magnolia[3] The Colours of Autumnal Foliage, Academy, 2 (1870–71), 120.
3. Anon, Physiology[1] Cause of Phosphorescence[2] Madness in a Horse[3] Improvements in the Spectrum Method of Detecting Blood, Academy, 2 (1870–71), 401.
4. Henry C Sorby, To the Editor of The Academy, Academy, 2 (1870–71), 458.
5. Anon, Physiology[1] On the Colouring Matter of Some Aphides[2] The Snout of the Mole as a Tactile Organ[3] The External Ear of the Mouse as a Tactile Organ, Academy, 2 (1870–71), 481–82.
6. Anon, Correspondence, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), 600.