Showing 1 to 8 of 8 items
1. [Robert C Allen], Life Among the Lighthouses, Cornhill Magazine, 1 (1860), 220–32.
2. Anon, Edystone Light-House, and Ship in Distress, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 353–55.
3. Anon, Aquaduct Bridge in Scotland, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 449.
4. F R—y, The Power of Water and Progressive Rate of Wind, Mirror of Literature, 4 (1824), 372.
5. Anon, Dr. Johnson on the New Bridge, Punch, 57 (1869), 190, 193.
6. Anon, Some Boys Who Became Famous. Boys Who Built the Eddystone Lighthouse, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 436–37.
7. Anon, Some Boys Who Became Famous. The Boys Who Built London Bridge, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 571–73.
8. Anon, Some Boys Who Became Famous. The Boy Who Invented Penny Postage, Boy's Own Paper, 2 (1879–80), 37.