Showing 1 to 12 of 12 items
1. [Sydney Smith], Art. XII. [Review of Reflections at the Conclusion of the War, by John Bowles], Edinburgh Review, 1 (1802–03), 94–98.
2. Anon, Effects of Magnetism on Chronometers, Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 1 (1822), 120.
3. Anon, Miniature Watch, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 318–19.
4. Anon, Kew, Mirror of Literature, 4 (1824), 171.
5. Anon, [Physicians are Knaves], Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 176.
6. Anon, [King George III Restrained], Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 328.
7. Anon, Patrons of Astronomy, Mirror of Literature, 12 (1828), 123.
8. John Davies, Herschel's Telescope, Mirror of Literature, 12 (1828), 244.
9. Anon, Metropolitan Improvements, Punch, 4 (1843), 134.
10. John Tenniel, Latest from Spirit-Land, Punch, 44 (1863), [15].
11. Anon, Some Boys Who Became Famous. The German Band-Boy Who Discovered a World—Part II, Boy's Own Paper, 2 (1879–80), 820–21.
12. Anon, Some Boys Who Became Famous. The Barber's Apprentice, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 157–58.