Showing 1 to 16 of 16 items
1. [John Stephen], Electricity and the Electric Telegraph, Cornhill Magazine, 2 (1860), 61–73.
2. Anon, The Winter in London, La Belle Assemblée, 1 (1806), 28–32.
3. Anon, Great Britain[1 General][2] Royal Society, Christian Observer, 1 (1802), 185–89.
4. Anon, France, Christian Observer, 1 (1802), 740–41.
5. Ed, On Galvanism, Mirror of Literature, 8 (1826), 281–83.
6. Pasche, Feb. 5, 1799, died, Lewis Galvani, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 122.
7. Charles H Bennett, The Calendar 1866, Punch, 50 (1866), [i].
8. Charles H Bennett, The Calendar, Punch, 52 (1867), [i].
9. Anon, Calendar for the Year, Punch, 54 (1868), [i].
10. Anon, Calendar for the Year, Punch, 56 (1869), [i].
11. Anon, Calendar for the Year, Punch, 58 (1870), [i].
12. Lavinia Ramsbotham, Junior, Rome and Ramsbotham, Punch, 58 (1870), 45.
13. Anon, Feb. XXIX Days, Punch, 62 (1872), [i].
14. John G Wood, Frogs and Toads. Part II, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 68–70.
15. The Author of "The Boys of Highfield", etc., Some Boys Who Became Famous. III—The Errand-Boy of Jacob's Well Muse, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 260–62.
16. Anon, Correspondence, Boy's Own Paper, 5 (1882–83), 416.