Showing 21 to 35 of 35 items
21. Anon, Legislative Toys, Punch, 8 (1845), 189.
22. Anon, Political Railway Accident, Punch, 9 (1845), 111.
23. Anon, Preliminary Prospectus of the Grand Political Railway, Punch, 9 (1845), 175.
24. Anon, Readings in Natural History: The Butterfly, Punch, 9 (1845), 180.
25. Anon, The Political Automaton Chess-Player, Punch, 10 (1846), 66.
26. Anon, The Man who Works the Automaton, Punch, 10 (1846), [68].
27. Anon, Changes of Ministerial Heads, Punch, 10 (1846), 92.
28. Anon, The Electrical Minister, Punch, 10 (1846), 145.
29. Anon, Political Photography, Punch, 10 (1846), 209.
30. Anon, Prizes at the Agricultural Show, Punch, 11 (1846), 41.
31. Anon, The Speaking Machine, Punch, 11 (1846), 83.
32. Anon, The Great Eclipse, Punch, 13 (1847), 150.
33. Anon, Doings of Sir Robert Peel, Punch, 13 (1847), 234.
34. Anon, Police Case Extraordinary, Punch, 20 (1851), 148.
35. Anon, Daring Robbery of an Old Gentleman Named "Bull", Punch, 20 (1851), 149.