Showing 1 to 20 of 50 items
1. [Thomas Hood], A New Song from the Polish, Comic Annual, 9 (1838), 135–46.
2. Thomas Hood, An Assent to the Summut of Mount Blank, Comic Annual, 3 (1832), 49–55.
3. Anon, Castle Builders, Mirror of Literature, 3 (1824), 26–28.
4. Anon, Captain Parry's Expedition, Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 2 (1823), 183–84.
5. M G, Winter Walks.—No. 2. Westminster Abbey, Youth's Magazine, 3rd ser. 2 (1829), 190–203.
6. Joshua Marsden, Hint to Christians and Ministers, Suggested by Reading Captain Parry's Voyage in Quest of a North-West Passage, Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 2 (1823), 347.
7. Anon, The Northern Expedition, Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 2 (1823), 753–56.
8. Anon, Captn. W. E. Parry, R. N., Mirror of Literature, 6 (1825), facing [i].
9. Anon, The Mothers of Great Men, Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, 8 (1859–60), 166–69.
10. Anon, Increased Audibility of Sounds in an Atmosphere Intensely Cold, Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 1 (1822), 52.
11. Anon, Effect of Cold on the Mental Faculties, Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 1 (1822), 52.
12. Anon, Expedition to the Polar Regions, Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 4 (1825), 167–75.
13. C, The North Magnetic Pole. From Captain Ross's Second Voyage, Youth's Magazine, 8 (1835), 232–36.
14. T N—r, Cautions in Cases of Extreme Cold, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 415.
15. Anon, The White Wolf and Dog-Rib-Rock, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 417–18.
16. Anon, The Esquimaux Indians, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 425–26.
17. Anon, To Correspondents, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 400.
18. Anon, To Readers and Correspondents, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 416.
19. Anon, Chart of the Discoveries, of Capts. Parry, Ross & Franklin, from 1818 to 1823, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), facing 417.
20. Anon, History of North Polar Expeditions, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 417.