Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items
1. [George H Lewes], The Mental Condition of Babies, Cornhill Magazine, 7 (1863), 649–56.
2. Anon, Character Sketch: May. V.—Dr. Eduard Schnitzer Alias Emin Pasha, Review of Reviews, 1 (1890), 385–92.
3. Anon, Inscription in a Hermit's Cell. By Mr. Wordsworth, Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 3 (1824), 144.
4. [George H Lewes], Studies in Animal Life Ch. 3, Cornhill Magazine, 1 (1860), 283–95.
5. John Coke, The Poetry of Steam, Punch, 11 (1846), 40.
6. Anon, An Act for the Inclusion of Commons, Commonly to be Called Peter Bell's Act, Punch, 43 (1862), 51.