Showing 1 to 16 of 16 items
1. Anon, Mark Twain Among the Prophets. How he Discovered Telepathy, Review of Reviews, 4 (1891), 590.
2. Edward J Reed, The British Navy, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 11 (1885–86), 333–56.
3. Anon, Editor's Drawer, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 9 (1884–85), 819–22.
4. Anon, Harper's, Review of Reviews, 1 (1890), 519.
5. Anon, What May be in 1947. By Mr. Frank R. Stockton, Review of Reviews, 15 (1897), 561.
6. Anon, The Electric Tram as a Revolutionist, Review of Reviews, 17 (1898), 575.
7. Alice M W Rollins, Ladies' Day at the Ranch, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 10 (1885), 3–17.
8. Anon, The Anglo-American Household. Some Notes of Family Jars, Past and Present, Review of Reviews, 13 (1896), 144–48.
9. Anon, The Illustrated Magazines, Review of Reviews, 7 (1893), 655.
10. Anon, Siberia as the Latest Surprise, Review of Reviews, 18 (1898), 28.
11. Anon, Harper's Magazine, Review of Reviews, 16 (1897), 185.
12. Anon, The Genius of This Electric Age. Mr. Edison and His Ideas, Review of Reviews, 1 (1890), 120.
13. Anon, Restoring Its Soul to an Idiot. A Remarkable Surgical Operation, Review of Reviews, 4 (1891), 386.
14. Anon, Inventive Korea, Review of Reviews, 19 (1899), 553–54.
15. Anon, Mr. John Ruskin at Brantwood. An Essay by Mrs. Ritchie, Review of Reviews, 1 (1890), 195.
16. Anon, Harper's, Review of Reviews, 1 (1890), 220.