Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items
1. Anon, Editor's Historical Record[1] United States[2] Science and Progress, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 9 (1884–85), 327–31.
2. Anon, The Late Editor of "Knowledge", Review of Reviews, 11 (1895), 138.
3. Anon, Big Skulls and Weighty Brains, Review of Reviews, 20 (1899), 397.
4. Anon, Correspondence, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), 424.
5. Anon, Correspondence, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), 616.
6. Anon, Correspondence, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), 664.