Showing 1 to 20 of 28 items
1. Anon, Mice, Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 3rd ser. 2 (1823), 326.
2. [William Laidlaw?], [Britain], Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 2 (1817–18), 218–20.
3. [William Laidlaw?], London, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1 (1817), 424–27.
4. Anon, English Fruits, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 231.
5. Anon, Acclimatizing Plants, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 253.
6. Anon, Culture of Celery, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 253–54.
7. Anon, Coinage, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 273.
8. Anon, English Fruits, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 295.
9. Anon, English Fruits, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 300–02.
10. Anon, Architectural Illustrations. No. III. Hanover Terrace, Regent's Park, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 313–14.
11. Anon, Antiquity of Locks, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 352.
12. Anon, Habits of Seals, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 350–51.
13. Anon, Uses of Seals, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 386.
14. Anon, Preservation of Skins, Mirror of Literature, 10 (1827), 386.
15. Anon, Improved Clock, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 54.
16. Anon, Cure for a Stoop, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 105.
17. Anon, Coals, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 105.
18. Anon, Mode of Keeping Apples, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 105.
19. Anon, Duration of the Effects of Light upon the Eye, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 106.
20. Anon, Indelible Writing Ink, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 172.