Science in the 19th Century Periodical

Imperial Academy of St Petersburg

Imperial Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg

Imperial Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg—Observatory

Imperial Gas Light and Coke Company

Imperial Institute

Ind Coope and Co, Romford, firm

India Office

Inner Temple Gardens

Institut de France, Paris

Institut Nationale, Paris

Institut National des Sciences et des Arts, Paris

Institut Pasteur, Paris

Institute of Civil Engineers

Institution for the Cure and Prevention of Contagious Fever

Institution of Civil Engineers

Institution of Naval Architects

International Aerological Commission

International Bureau of Photography

International Conference of Bibliography

International Exhibition, Amsterdam

International Exhibition (1862), London

International Exhibition (1871), London

International Geodetic Conference (17 October 1883), Rome

International Geographical Congress

International Health Congress (1894), Budapest

International Health Exhibition (1884), London

International Medical Congress

International Meridian Conference (2 October–2 November 1884), Washington DC

International Peace Conference, the Hague

International Prehistoric Conference

Irish Agricultural Association

Iron Bridge, Ironbridge, Shropshire

Iron Lighthouse, Guiana

Iron Lighthouse, New Caledonia

Iron Suspension Bridge, River Tweed

Ironside, ship

Istituto delle Scienze e delle Arti, Bologna